Scramble fields

Scramble fields in Sense apps.

Page contents:

Scramble fields in Sense app

Scramble one or more fields in an app using Qlik Sense’s internal scrambling feature.


  • If more than one field is to be scrambled, the indidivudal field names should be separated by the character or string specified in the --separator option.
  • The entire list of field names (the --fieldname option) should be surrounded by double quotes.
  • A new app with the scrambled data will be created. Specify its name in the --newappname option.
.\ctrl-q.exe field-scramble `
--host `
--app-id a3e0f5d2-000a-464f-998d-33d333b175d7 `
--auth-user-dir LAB `
--auth-user-id goran `
--field-name Expression1 Dim1 AsciiAlpha `
--new-app-name __ScrambledTest1
2024-03-12T08:39:17.987Z info: -----------------------------------------------------------
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: | Ctrl-Q
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: |
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: | Version      : 3.16.0
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: | Log level    : info
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: |
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: | Command      : field-scramble
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: |              : scramble one or more fields in an app. A new app with the scrambled data is created.
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: |
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: | Run Ctrl-Q with the '--help' option to see a list of all available options for this command.
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: |
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: |
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: ----------------------------------------------------------
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info:
2024-03-12T08:39:18.004Z info: Scramble field
2024-03-12T08:39:18.502Z info: Scrambled field "Expression1"
2024-03-12T08:39:18.502Z info: Scrambled field "Dim1"
2024-03-12T08:39:18.518Z info: Scrambled field "AsciiAlpha"
2024-03-12T08:39:19.127Z info: Scrambled data written to new app "__ScrambledTest1" with app ID: 65091695-a23c-432e-a430-b2ff4e367ea2

Last modified March 12, 2024: 3.16.0 update (3528ed7)